we have humanity in common

colorado governors fellowship

We are not lobbyists. Nor are we pushing political agendas. We are advancing the best interests of our state—working across party lines, rural and urban divides, and across the public, private, and social sectors to empower a diverse community of remarkable leaders dedicated to making Colorado the best that we can be. 

Colorado Governors Fellows are mid- and senior-level career professionals who commit to a 10-month experience where they will develop deep relationships with other civic-minded leaders, be exposed to Colorado thought leaders, and deep dive into timely opportunities and challenges.  

are you next?

Are you, or do you know a mid-to-senior level professional who exhibits public service potential, who is engaged in their community, and embodies a "we over me" style of leadership?

Selected applicants will receive an invitation to interview with members of the CiviCO team and program alumni to help determine the final cohort arrangement.  

We encourage applicants of all backgrounds, sectors, and geographic regions of Colorado.

Thanks to the support of the Boettcher Foundation, we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships per year and will do our best to support Fellows with limited professional development funds. 

Be the First to Know When Applications Open for the 2026 Cohort!